Watch Dr White's video on psychosexual medicine on YouTube

Dr Catherine White is a Specialist in Psychosexual Medicine, Specialty Doctor in Integrated Sexual Health. She is a member of the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine IPM.


  • Some techniques used within IPM approach including benefits of the ‘brief intervention’
  • Who uses this method with patients
  • When, where and how it would be used
  • The therapeutic use of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy
  • How to access therapists


  • Patients with vulval pain, including vulvodynia, vestibulodynia, vaginismus
  • Partners, family, friends
  • Healthcare professionals, and researchers with an interest in pelvic health


HOSTS: Vulval Pain Society Trustees: Sheren Gaulbert, Pain Science Educator, Therapist and former patient and Dr Winston de Mello, Consultant in Pain Medicine

WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: 1 in 7 experience vulval pain in their life, so the likelihood is that even if you are not aware, someone you know may be going through this pain right now or do so in future. Knowledge is power, it’s time for change.