Watch Dr Gibbon's video on vulval skin conditions on YouTube

Dr Karen Gibbon is a highly regarded and experienced Consultant Dermatologist with a specialist interest in vulval skin conditions.

In this Dermatology Special, Dr Gibbon covers best care for vulval skin and answers questions live for:

  • patients with vulval pain, lichen sclerosus, lichen planus, or any vulval skin condition
  • partners, family, friends
  • all healthcare professionals with an interest in pelvic health

Host: Sheren Gaulbert – Vulval Pain Society Trustee, Pain Science Educator, Therapist and former patient

1 in 7 experience vulval pain in their life, so the likelihood is that even if you are not aware, someone you know may be going through this pain right now or do so in future. Knowledge is power, it’s time for change.