Vulval Pain Society 2021 Social Media Live Streams
Gynaecology and Pain Clinic Appointments – How to Prepare and What to Expect, 10 February 2021
David Nunns, Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon and Clinical Lead of Vulval Health Multidisciplinary Team and Winston de Mello, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine for 24 years, advise on how to get the most out of gynaecology and pain clinic appointments, including what to expect and how best to prepare.
PRE-PAIN CLINIC OR ONCE YOU HAVE A DIAGNOSIS: 11-point checklist in preparation for any vulval pain hospital consultation is available at A checklist in preparation for your vulval pain hospital consultation
VULVAL PAIN PRE-CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE: Longer form to use before diagnosis, or first gynaecology or pre-multidisciplinary team appointment is available at Vulvodynia pre-clinic questionnaire
Host: Sheren Gaulbert – Vulval Pain Society Trustee, Pain Science Educator, Therapist & Former Patient