Vulval Pain Society 2020 ‘Ask the Expert’ Webinars
VPS Ask the Expert Webinar 4, 1 May 2020: Pain and how to calm the nervous system – Sheren Gaulbert
Pain Science Educator, VPS Trustee & Pain Relief Cognitive Hypnotherapist Sheren Gaulbert, answers patient and clinician questions covering:
- the basics of how pain works (this can help you feel you can get control)
- why flare-ups or setbacks happen
- what to do to prevent flare-ups and setbacks
- how to calm the Nervous System
- biopsychosocial model of health (BPS)
- multidisciplinary healthcare options
Much of the content of this video is also relevant for people experiencing persistent pain in other areas.
This is a recording of a live Q&A with Sheren Gaulbert from 1 May 2020.