Three experts: Specialist Vulval Dermatologist Dr Liz Venner, Advanced Pelvic Physiotherapist Mary Chestnutt, and Pain Science Educator and Cognitive Hypnotherapist Sheren Gaulbert answer questions from patients and health professionals on treating/alleviating vulval pain.

This is a recording of a multidisciplinary expert panel Q&A with Mary Chestnutt, Dr Liz Venner & Sheren Gaulbert from 29 May 2020.

• Dr Liz Venner, Vulval Dermatologist and Associate Specialist in Dermatology at Royal Cornwall NHS Trust
• Mary Chestnutt, Advanced Physiotherapist in Pelvic Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
• Host and Panellist: Sheren Gaulbert Pain Science Educator, VPS Trustee and Pain Relief Cognitive Hypnotherapist