Legal disclaimer
The Vulval Pain Society aims to provide information and support to people with vulvodynia. Vulvodynia is defined as long-standing vulval discomfort or pain, particularly that characterised by burning, stinging, irritation or rawness of the vulval area. It is diagnosed by a doctor when other causes of vulval pain such as active infection and skin diseases have been ruled out. Women who have vestibulodynia (previously known as vulval vestibulitis) form a subgroup of women with vulvodynia and the society aims to support these women as well.
Nothing on this site is meant to qualify as a medical diagnosis. You should consult your doctor or other medical practitioner for a diagnosis and further information. We do not encourage you to self-diagnose your symptoms and would encourage you to work with your doctor (GP or specialist) to find the best treatment for you. Before you take advice from the VPS it is best that your condition is diagnosed by a doctor familiar with the condition.
The Vulval Pain Society takes no responsibility for any products mentioned on this site or for the content of any external websites. Reference to any products, services, hypertext link to the third parties or other information by trade name, trademark, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply their endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the Vulval Pain Society (VPS), the VPS Management Committee, or the members of affiliated organisations such as the vulval pain support groups (VPSGs). Such references are for convenience only. Additionally, should you decide to contact any third parties, individuals or organisations external to the VPS via the VPS website, the VPS cannot take responsibility for any information provided by these persons or groups.