This section has recordings, podcasts and presentations from our staff and contributors. The podcasts are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent recordings at the top and older recordings further down.
To watch or listen to a podcast, just click on the image of the podcast, or follow the link to the MP3.
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Happy viewing and listening!
Supporting people living with lichen planus: a presentation given by Bridie Nelson
Lichen planus and vulvodynia patient Bridie Nelson talks about her personal experience of living with these conditions and getting beyond the pain. A live audio recording of a presentation which was given at the Vulval Pain Society Super Workshop in London on 9 May 2015.
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First hand account – Having a vestibulectomy: a presentation given by Alexandra Black

In this short educational video, a patient talks about having a vestibulectomy, or vulval surgery, to treat her vestibulodynia, a type of chronic vulval pain. Live recording of a slide presentation originally given in 2015 at the Vulval Pain Society’s Super Workshop. Some graphic content, including diagrams.
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- Download MP3 of soundtrack to this podcast (5 mins 56 secs)
- View transcript of First hand account – Having a vestibulectomy: a presentation given by Alexandra Black
Don’t be in two minds about pain: Integrating your conscious and unconscious minds to alleviate pain: a presentation given by Sheren Gaulbert
A live recording of a two-part presentation given by Sheren Gaulbert, Cognitive Hypnotherapist/Pain Relief Specialist/Behavioural Change Therapist, at the VPS Super Workshop in London on 11 May 2013. As with the other Super Workshop podcasts, audience questions and answers have been cut out from the presentation.
Please note that as Part I of this presentation involved some brief practical cognitive exercises for the audience, and Part II included a group exercise in self-hypnosis, both of the MP3 files have a number of moments of silence. These are usually deliberate pauses by the speaker to allow the audience to reflect or engage in other cognitive exercises, and do not indicate problems with the MP3 recording. Feel free to pause with the speaker, engage in the exercises, or fast forward as best suits you.
Psychological impact and therapy for vulval pain: a presentation given by Reena Shah
A live recording of a presentation given by Dr Reena Shah, Clinical Psychologist, at the VPS Super Workshop in London on 11 May 2013. As with Podcast 6, interaction with the audience such as questions and answers has been cut out from the presentation.
Vulval conditions and the new NHS: a presentation given by David Nunns
What’s happening to the NHS as regards provision for patients with vulval conditions such as vulvodynia, lichen sclerosus, thrush, vulval skin conditions and infections? A live recording with slides of a presentation given on 11 May 2013 by Dr David Nunns at the Vulval Pain Society’s Super Workshop in London. For patients and health professionals.
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Vulvodynia: a podcast lecture by David Nunns

Vulvodynia (sometimes called vulval pain) is a medical condition in which patients experience female genital burning and soreness in the absence of any obvious skin condition or infection. This is an educational online presentation about vulvodynia by Dr David Nunns, a consultant gynaecologist and trustee of the Vulval Pain Society. It’s aimed mainly at health professionals, but some patients might find it of interest.
Important! Please note that two of the slides in this presentation show graphic gynaecological photography.
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- Download MP3 of soundtrack to podcast (42 mins 52 secs)
- View transcript of Vulvodynia: a podcast lecture by David Nunns
Physiotherapy for vulval pain: a presentation given by Helen Forth
A live recording of the presentation Helen Forth, Lead Physiotherapist – Women’s Health, Royal Free Hospital, London gave at the VPS Super Workshop in London in December 2010. Any comments made by the audience have been edited and cut out from the presentation. This online presentation is accompanied by Helen’s Powerpoint slides and diagrams.
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- Download MP3 of soundtrack to podcast (35 mins 31 secs)
- View transcript of Physiotherapy treatment for vulval pain: a presentation given by Helen Forth
A partner’s perspective
The partner of a woman with long-term vulval pain talks to Sally Turner about managing the condition from a partner’s perspective.
Ruth Hallam-Jones and Juliet Grayson in conversation
Featuring sex therapists Ruth Hallam-Jones and Juliet Grayson in conversation with Sally Turner, following a talk and presentation given to the London Vulval Pain Support Group on Saturday 31 July 2010. Topics covered include current research, treatments and products that may be useful in the management of vulval pain. Please note that the views expressed herein are those of the participants and do not necessarily represent the views of the VPS.
Help and information from David Nunns
Recorded in 2009, this audio features David Nunns giving help and information on the subject of vulval pain. Sally Turner asks the questions.